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Change Management

As the saying goes: „There is nothing more constant than change“. There can be many reasons for required changes: e. g. the development and implementation of a new strategy or growth-related internal reorganization. Change Management includes all tasks, measures and activities, which are intended to lead to a comprehensive, cross-functional and extensive change of existing structures, systems, processes or behaviours.

Also, in the case of a merger, we will be at your side to accompany the process of the initiation, the implementation as well as the subsequent monitoring, the so-called Post Merger Integration with all possible uncertainties. The acquisition of another company or the formation of a joint venture usually bring together different corporate cultures, which in the form of "chemical reactions" may have unpredictable consequences. The socially skilled integration and the support of your employees decisively determine the success of a merger of two companies respectively in-house business units. We offer professional support for all aspects of a planned change:
  • The development of visions, e.g. in the framework of a „Future Factory“: a creativity enhancing atmosphere will motivate the participants to develop imaginative and unusual solutions
  • Development and defining of objectives and implementation plans
  • Effective communication to establish transparency and general acceptance of concepts
Post-change support: You and your employees will not feel left alone, existing needs will be incorporated in the change.